CEE 300: Behavior of Materials
Credit: 4 hours.
Macroscopic mechanical behavior in terms of phenomena at the nanometer and micrometer levels for the three types of engineering materials (metals, ceramics, and polymers) with emphasis on specific materials used in civil engineering — steel, rocks, clay, portland cement concrete, asphaltic concrete, and wood. Same as TAM 324. Credit is not given for both CEE 300 and either ME 330 or MSE 280. Prerequisite: Completion of Composition I general education requirement; CHEM 104; TAM 251.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for: Advanced Composition
CEE 401: Concrete Materials
Credit: 4 hours.
Examination of the influence of constituent materials (cements, water, aggregates and admixtures) on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete, concrete mix design, handling and placement of concrete, and behavior of concrete under various types of loading and environment. Laboratory exercises utilize standard concrete test methods. Field trips are held during some scheduled laboratory sessions. Prerequisite: CEE 300.
CEE 502: Advanced Cement Chemistry
Credit: 4 hours.
Advanced topics in chemistry of portland cement, chemistry and microstructure of cements, chemical reactions that lead to hardening, chemistry and microstructure of hydrated cements, effects of chemical and mineral admixtures, and chemical issues involved in the engineering behavior of the cements. Prerequisite: CEE 401.
CEE 503: Construction Materials Deterioration
Credit: 4 hours.
Fundamental processes for deterioration mechanisms of infrastructure materials: corrosion of metals including thermodynamics, kinetics, passivity and rate measurements; degradation of cement-based materials including freezing and thawing, ASR, sulfate attack, fire attack and steel reinforcement corrosion; degradation of organic materials including photo-oxidation and ageing. A research literature review exercise related to material degradation. Prerequisite: CEE 401 or CEE 405.
CEE 504: Infrastructure NDE Methods
Credit: 4 hours.
Fundamental bases and methodologies of non-destructive evaluation (NDE) techniques for infrastructure materials: methods for steel including ultrasound, radiography, eddy-current and magnetic-particles; methods for concrete including sounding, semi-destructive, ultrasound, seismic, impact-echo, impulse-response, ground-penetrating radar, infrared-thermography, and nuclear; planning and carrying out NDE structural investigations. Weekly laboratory sessions, a research paper, and an associated presentation related to NDE required. Prerequisite: CEE 401 or CEE 405.